Goal-setting season is upon us!
And Step One in my goal-setting process is to clearly articulate your five-year vision. This becomes your North Star, and makes goalsetting for this coming year much more aligned and accurate.
For some, that five-year horizon flow easily and fluidly. And for others, it can be super challenging to see the life they dream of in their minds’ eye.
When I’m working with a mentee one-on-one on crafting their five-year vision, I guide them through a visualisation exercise to help them land right in that future they dream of.
It creates clarity in a way that staring at an empty sheet can’t, and enables them to viscerally see and feel their life in five years’ time.
Once they’re clear on that five-year horizon, all the rest of the planning flows beautifully.
As my New Year gift to you, I’m sharing this visualisation.
Simply find somewhere peaceful and comfortable and pop the audio file in your ears. I’ll also send you a matchy-matchy worksheet to capture what you see during your visualisation.
Just pop your email in the box below.
Drop your email in below to download the 5 Year Vision Guided Audio & Template

I started my first business in my spare bedroom in 2012 and that business went on to secure multi-million dollars in turnover and received plaudits including BRW’s Fast Starters, Entrepreneur of the Year, Emerging Agency of the Year and Australian Start-up of the Year. Media I've featured in include The Project, Sunrise, The Today Show, Sydney Morning Herald, Marie Claire, Sky News, ABC News and The Australian. I now get to write books and mentor entrepreneurs on how to grow their businesses without sacrificing themselves in the process.